Why Reading Organic Chemistry Textbook Before Class Is A Game-Changer

Why Reading Organic Chemistry Textbook Before Class Is A Game-Changer

If you’re taking Organic Chemistry, you’ve probably heard the horror stories—brutal exams, endless reactions to memorize, and lectures that feel like they’re in another language. The truth? OChem is one of the most challenging college courses, but it’s not impossible. The key to success isn’t just working harder—it’s working smarter. And one of the smartest…

Taking Summer Organic Chemistry Course Online: What to Expect and How to Prepare

Taking Summer Organic Chemistry Course Online: What to Expect and How to Prepare

Summer organic chemistry classes are generally tougher than the regular fall or spring ones. A typical semester is 12 to 16 weeks long. However, you’ll be covering the same amount of material in 8-10 weeks in the summer. Additionally, some summer classes aim to jam the entire 2-semester sequence over the summer making it extremely…

How to Prepare to the Second Semester of Organic Chemistry

How to Prepare to the Second Semester of Organic Chemistry

Organic chemistry is an extremely interconnected science. As you have already seen in the first semester of your organic chemistry sequence, one topic connects to another in such a way, that mastering consequent topics is very hard without mastering previous ones. Before we go further, let’s look at the typical first semester organic chemistry topics….

What Is the Difference Between a Good Question and a Bad Question?

What Is the Difference Between a Good Question and a Bad Question?

Imagine yourself doing your homework or reading the textbook and something doesn’t make sense. What would you probably do in such a case? Correct—ask your teacher. Next day you go to school, go to your teacher’s office hours or visit with them after the class, you ask your question and… you get an answer… not…